The Hail Mary squad scores with four seconds left in the game. Game over, USTe, at 72-71. After last year's fiasco, I feel VINDICATED. (That's what you get for taking our special issue away from us!!)
The game was the best I ever attended, and the includes all the courtside and Patron shit. It was just-- We were 10 points behind at the start of the fourth. We were trailing behind them all throughout the game and then, everything clicked. You could hear the universe focusing on that shot. I've never been at a game with such a dramatic and fantastic turn around.
Also, 1408 is the best and Sarah and Luj are the best Araneta buds ever (But mostly Sarah because she scares the old men and Blue Babble around her with her shouting and cursing: "BULAG KA BA, REF? LAST YEAR KA PA!!!! LUTO!!"